Add and remove options appears in the IP Access Catalog erroneously
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Add and remove options appears in the IP Access Catalog erroneously


Article ID: 100079


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Users are seeing the option to add ("+") and remove ("-") target permissions in the CA Identity Portal Access Catalog even when they do not have the access rights to do so.

If a user already has the target permission, the remove "-" option appears.

If a user does not belong to the target permission, both the "+" and "-" options appear.


Release: 14.x
Component: CA Identity Portal


You can change this behavior by enabling the strict cart mode.


In the Identity Portal Management Console, go to Setup -> Gui Configuration, under the User Related -> General Info tab find the “strict_cart_mode” attribute and change its value to “true”.