Extend Weekly or other Period Type Time Slices in Clarity UI
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Extend Weekly or other Period Type Time Slices in Clarity UI


Article ID: 103956


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


How can you extend time slices to cover a larger period in the past or future? Example, weekly time slices only seem to go through 6/9/22 but we want to see them through December 2022.


Release: All


  1. Pause the Time Slicing job (Make sure any currently running time slicing jobs processing also complete)
  2. In Clarity, go to Administration - Data Administration - Time Slices
  3. Click on the time slice ID you want to extend the duration for and increase the # of periods to cover the desired range

       Note: To update a certain time slice interval (i.e. Weekly), click on the Slice period column to sort by period type

      4. Save the slice changes
      5. Unpause/run a Time Slicing job instance
​      6. Once the time slicing job completes repeat the steps above for each remaining slice that needs to be updated 
      7. For the changes to be reflected in the Data Warehouse tables/Advanced reporting, then run the Load Data Warehouse job in Full mode

IMPORTANT: It's recommended to update one to two slices at a time (and after hours), as slice changes can cause performance issues the first time the time slicing job is run after the update (and the time slicing job may take longer to complete the first time after each update).

Additional Information


  • If updating allocation slices, they should be in the same range as Baseline and Availability Time Slices
  • Increasing the # of periods for daily slices can cause performance issues, so it's recommended for daily slices to use the configuration referenced in How Should Time Slices Be Configured?