Collecting SSL debugging information with DevTest
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Collecting SSL debugging information with DevTest


Article ID: 117725


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


How to collect SSL debugging information with DevTest?


All supported DevTest releases.




1. In DevTest Workstation use the HTTP/SSL Debug Viewer feature to observe the details of HTTP and SSL activity, or use a java argument to enable SSL debugging and collect more information in the log files for a specific component.

Refer to section "HTTP and SSL Debug Viewer" in the documentation of the DevTest release you are running.

Refer to section "SSL Handshake Summary" in the documentation of the DevTest release you are running.


To start the HTTP/SSL Debug viewer,

. open the Workstation

. select the Help menu

. select HTTP/SSL Debug



Execute the test step and the SSL handshake and/or HTTP information will show in the HTTP/SSL Debug viewer at the bottom of the Workstation.

If already executed the step before opening the viewer, please close and reopen the test case before opening the HTTP/SSL Debug viewer.

It can happen that the SSL handshake is using cached information from the previous execution and will not show in the viewer.


2. To enable SSL debugging for one of the DevTest components, set the following property to the vmoptions file for the specific component.

Example, if we want to collect SSL debugging info for the VSE, add the property to the VirtualServiceEnvironmentService.vmoptions file:


After modifying the vmoptions file, restart the component and run the test case or the virtual service.


The SSL debugging information will be printed in the component log file.

Additional Information

After adding the SSL debug configuration for a particular component, the output can be found in regular log for that component. 

For example workstation.log or vse.log