Run Reports from 'Reports and Jobs'
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Run Reports from 'Reports and Jobs'


Article ID: 122774


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Use case: Management wants users to access the Studio reports, but do not want them to go to the Jaspersoft Advanced Reporting UI. What is needed in order for users to be able to run reports from Reports and Jobs?

  1. Running Reports from Advanced Reporting: Clarity Advanced Reporting UI:
    • Information like user, language, locale, UI theme, etc. are passed to the Jasper Report Server.
    • Navigation in the report server, including permissions, is handled by the report server.
  2. Running reports from Clarity Reports and Jobs:
    • Report execution is handled by the Jasper Scheduler Report Server
    • However here it is accomplished via API calls
    • The report is executed by the report server and the output is transferred to Clarity


Clarity Reports and Jobs


Below are minimum access rights to run the reports from Clarity PPM Reports and Jobs:

  1. At least one Advanced Reporting access right is needed because the user has to exist in Jaspersoft. When the job runs it only picks up ppm users that have been given advanced reporting access rights.
    • Grant the Report create right - even though right name says "create", it's not for the creation, it's for execution of the report
  2. Report - Access (global right) to see reports and jobs from the Application the sub menu
  3. User should be added to one of the Clarity PPM PMO Advanced Reporting Groups or any of the custom groups the user is maintaining in Clarity. For example, go to Administration > Groups > add the user to 'PMO Advanced Reporting Project Management'
    • When a user is added to the PMO Advanced Reporting group in Clarity, there is a corresponding CSK Role in Jaspersoft Advanced Reporting > Manage > Roles.
    • Because the ID's are the same when you run the Synchronize Jaspersoft Roles job the user automatically gets the CSK Role, which means now user is able to access the reports for that particular project, product, application for what ever group he is in.
  4. Run the Create and Update Jaspersoft Users and Synchronize Jaspersoft Roles jobs
    • Please note,  in Administration > System Options the Allow Jaspersoft Role Synchronization option needs to be enabled or the Synchronize Jaspersoft Roles Job will error with "Enable the system option 'Allow Jaspersoft Role Synchronization' and execute the job again.'
  5. The Clarity rights are needed for the purpose of seeing the data in the report and when you click on the report parameters you should see some values. The rights to the Clarity data are required and depending on which report you are running user may need additional rights to run the report and see the data.

The example shown here are the needed Clarity rights to allow user to run and download the PDF Project Status Detail report, and see the report data:

  • Resource - View (Instance right on few resources)
  • Project - View (Instance right on few projects)
  • Advanced Reporting - Report Create (Global)
  • Reports - Access (Global)


    6. After creating the user in Clarity and assigning the proper access rights if user still is not able to run the reports in Reports and Jobs, try the following troubleshooting steps.

    • Ensure user has Clarity rights to see the project data within Clarity, otherwise reports may show up blank and display 'No matching records were found'
    • Run manual instance of the following Clarity Jobs in order:
      1. Timeslice
      2. Update Report Tables
      3. Load Data Warehouse (Full Load)
      4. Load Data Warehouse Access Rights
      5. Create and Update Jaspersoft Users (so that all the users who have AR access right will be created in Jaspersoft)
      6. Synchronize Jaspersoft Roles

Note: The Clarity PMO Advanced Reporting Project Management access group will give users access to the project management reports in Advanced Reporting. The sync happens when you run the Synchronize Jaspersoft Roles job and the job will assign the Advanced Reporting roles to the user. For example, the job assigns the CSK_ROLE_PROJECT_MANAGEMENT in Jaspersoft to the users in the PMO Advanced Reporting Project Management access group.

Additional Information

Run, Schedule, and Share Reports

After configuring the reports to run, if the reports do not return any data or the user is getting “ No matching records found” error, as next step please check if the user is added to the applicable security groups in Clarity. For example, ensure user is added to all the PMO/Resources security groups in order to see the data.