UIM mongodb probe fails to perform check on Mongo node
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UIM mongodb probe fails to perform check on Mongo node


Article ID: 129999


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


UIM mongodb probe fails to generate QOS data and shows the following error:

[pool-1196-thread-1, mongodb_monitor] ------------ MongoDBMonitor [Version: 1.20 Build: GA, 2017-04-10 14:07] ------------ 
[pool-1196-thread-1, mongodb_monitor] Collecting MongoDB Inventory Information. 
[pool-1196-thread-1, mongodb_monitor] Sending NimAlarm: {"severity":5,"subsystem":"mongodb_monitor","source":"localhost","message":"Failed to perform check on Mongo node. Is Mongo running?"} 
[pool-1196-thread-1, mongodb_monitor] Successfully sent NimAlarm 
[pool-1196-thread-1, mongodb_monitor] Failed to perform check on Mongo node. Is Mongo running? 
[pool-1196-thread-1, mongodb_monitor] Sending NimAlarm: {"severity":5,"subsystem":"mongodb_monitor","source":"localhost","message":"collectMongoDBInventory check request success: false"} 


Release: UIM 20.x
Component: UIMMGM


The probe tries to find MongoDB on popular ports. For example, ports 27017, 27018, 27019, 27020, 27021, 30000.
If different port(s) is in use, it is required to add a port to this list by using GUI probe utility "add ports" call as follows: 

1. highlight/select the mongodb probe in Infrastructure Manager or Admin Console 
2. Press CTRL+P in IM to open the probe utility, or choose "Probe Utility" from the menu in Admin Console 
3. Using the probe utility you can execute "add_ports" and provide the port you want to add, and this will add this port to the list of ports the probe checks.