Spectrum best practice for network hardware changes
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Spectrum best practice for network hardware changes


Article ID: 130045


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Periodically there may be changes required to network hardware. A device may need configuration changes. Or perhaps the hardware failed and needs to be swapped out. What are best practices to handle these situations in Spectrum? 


Platform Independent. 


1. If the hardware is swapped with new, different model with different SystemObject ID, destroy existing model and rediscover the new device - be aware event history in OneClick view would be lost, but the event data for the old hardware would still be accessible via Reports through SRM/Report Manager, based on the old hardware name and model handle. 

2. If the hardware is swapped with the same model of the same type (same System Object ID), reconfigure the model. Tools > Reconfiguration > Reconfigure Model

3. If configuration changes are made on the existing device, reconfigure the model.

Additional Information

- A more thorough Reconfig can be performed by first enabling "Rediscover Device after Reconfiguration" on the Device Information tab > Reconfiguration subview.