On Premise Clarity PPM Japsersoft Audit reports fail in existing JasperReports Server with Microsoft SQL Server
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On Premise Clarity PPM Japsersoft Audit reports fail in existing JasperReports Server with Microsoft SQL Server


Article ID: 132358


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


If you are an existing On Premise Clarity PPM customer and run the Japsersoft audit reports they fail in Jaspersoft Server with Microsoft SQL Server.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Login to Jaspersoft console
  2. Go to Public Folder and run the Audit reports
Expected Results:
The Audit report works with supported Microsoft SQL Server database server.

Actual Results:
The Audit report is giving an error: 
Caused by: com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.DataSetException: exception fetching f 
rom cache 
at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.BaseDataSetCacheImpl.getWorkingDataS 
at com.jaspersoft.commons.semantic.dsimpl.memory.MemoryDataSet.getWorkin 
... 207 more 
Caused by: com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.DataSetException: exception fetching d 
at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.CachedData.fetchData(CachedData.java 
at com.jaspersoft.commons.datarator.BaseDataSetCacheImpl.getWorkingDataS 
... 208 more 
Caused by: com.jaspersoft.commons.dataset.DataSetException: Exception calling JR 
DataSource.next() for query select top 200001 "jiauditevent"."resource_type" as 
from "dbo"."JIAuditEvent" "jiauditevent" 
left outer join "dbo"."JITenant" "jitenant" on (("jiauditevent"."tenant_id" = "j 
where ((("jiauditevent"."resource_uri" is null) or "jiauditevent"."resource_uri" 
like '/' + '%' or "jiauditevent"."resource_uri" like '/public/%') and (("jiaudi 
tevent"."resource_uri" is null) or not (case when (("jiauditevent"."resource_uri 
" is null)) then (null) else ('/' + substring("jiauditevent"."resource_uri", (le 
n('/') + 1), case when ((len("jiauditevent"."resource_uri") - (len('/') + 1)) < 
0) then (0) else (len("jiauditevent"."resource_uri") - (len('/') + 1)) end)) end 
like '/temp/%')) and (("jiauditevent"."tenant_id" is null) or "jitenant"."tenan


On Premise Clarity PPM JasperReports Server with Microsoft SQL Server database


The Audit reports are failing because Jaspersoft Server expects the user is granted db_owner. Unfortunately, by explicating granting the db_owner to the existing installation will not work. Hence you need to install Jaspersoft again and you need to ensure when you create the user grant the db_owner. Look into more under installation document.
Jaspersoft Install Documentation

Additional Information

How to Enable the Jaspersoft Auditing feature
Export, Import, or Migrate Advanced Reporting Content