Metrics not visible in USM on Detail Metrics tab
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Metrics not visible in USM on Detail Metrics tab


Article ID: 132560


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


From the Details tab of a device in the UMP USM portlet, CPU, disk and memory performance charts are all successfully displayed, but when the Metrics tab for this same device is selected the message "no metrics available" is displayed.


UIM/UMP:  Any version
data_engine:  Any version


To display metrics from the Metrics tab of a device in the UMP USM portlet, the S_QOS_DATA table must be populated with current data.  This table is populated by the data_engine probe.


Two possible reasons that the S_QOS_DATA table is not being populated by the data_engine probe:

1.  The hub_bulk_size key value in the <setup> section of the data_engine.cfg file is set to a value that is larger than the number of rows in the S_QOS_DATA table.  To resolve this, change the hub_bulk_size value to a value less than the number of rows in the S_QOS_DATA table from the data_engine probe's Raw Configure GUI, apply the change and restart the probe.  Wait a couple of monitoring intervals to allow probes to publish new QoS messages and the S_QOS_SNAPSHOT table should start being populated again.


DX UIM (Nimsoft) Database Best Practices for MS SQL Server (

When trying to access the CA OPS/MVS STCTBL is seems to be locked. ( 

2.  If you have a smaller system that is monitoring less than 20 QoS metrics, change the value for the thread_count_insert value to zero from the data_engine probe's Raw Configure GUI, apply the change and restart the probe.  Again, wait a couple of monitoring intervals to allow probes to publish new QoS messages and the S_QOS_SNAPSHOT table shoul start being populated again.

See:  data_engine Troubleshooting->S_QOS_SNAPSHOT Database Table Missing Updates

NOTE:  Both of these key values are found in the <setup> secttion of the data_engine.cfg file