MSG messages showing in the GUI
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MSG messages showing in the GUI


Article ID: 135150


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CA Business Service Insight


When I go to login to BSI I see MSG- messages instead of the normal prompts. 

For example on the English login you should have prompts for:

User ID



But instead you see something like:





BSI 8.3.5


These are the message codes that are normally translated (localized) to the appropriate user language by looking them up in the database.

They are loaded to the database from strings.xml files.

If this is a new install then it's possible the strings were not loaded and you should follow the steps below to run stringsloader

OR on an existing install it may simply mean the database was disconnected and you need to reset the website connection.

This can also indicate that your web_server setting in t_system_configurations does not match the machine name tnsname.ora and the listener are using.


For an existing install you likely only need to open a CMD window "as administrator" on the WEB server and run: IISRESET

For a new install or a restored database, from the WEB server:

1) cd %OG_HOME%\bin 

2) Run: StringsLoader.exe -a <Path to language strings xml files> 

(For example: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Oblicore\App_Data\Resources) 

3) Open a CMD window "as administrator" and run: IISRESET

If the problem still occurs then try running: select * from t_system_configurations where sys_config_name like 'web_server'

That value must match the hostname in tnsnames. If you change it then run IISreset again,

Additional Information

For Common BSI ‘system down’ causes please review below kb: