Automic jobs kick off at wrong time day after Autumn DST change
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Automic jobs kick off at wrong time day after Autumn DST change


Article ID: 139054


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Jobs schedule between 12 AM and 1 AM the Monday after the Autumn Daylight Saving Time switch all executed at 1 AM


The issue affects the following service packs per release: 

Automation.Engine 11.2.9 and 11.2.10
Automation.Engine 12.0.6 and 12.0.7
Automation.Engine 12.1.3 and 12.1.4
Automation.Engine 12.2.1 and 12.2.2


This is caused by a bug in the routine that calculates the next period turnaround of a schedule object



This is the suggested solution to minimize foreseen and unforeseen impact of the DST bug.

Quit the schedules on Sunday evening by 23h59

On Monday morning, start the schedules after 00h01

Alternatively, the schedules can be stopped by 23h59 on Sunday and the tasks run manually up until 01h00 at which point the schedules can be started again


This has been fixed in the following releases:

Automation.Engine 12.2.2 HF2 - Available

Automation.Engine 12.1.4 HF2 - Available

Automation.Engine 12.0.7 HF1 - Available

Automation.Engine 11.2.10 HF1 - Available

Automation.Engine 12.0.8 - Available

Automation.Engine 12.1.5 - Available

Automation.Engine 12.2.3 - Available

Automation.Engine 12.3.0 - Available 

Additional Information

For issues with the spring DST change, please see article