Need help disabling warning for CA GEN IMS license
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Need help disabling warning for CA GEN IMS license


Article ID: 140339


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


**This is not a request for a license key. Customer needs help disabling this alert**
We received an alert for a CA Gen license.  We asked and were told that the alert was for the IMS piece of CA Gen.  We do not have IMS nor should we have a license for it with CA Gen.  Why did we get an alert on this?  Can you give me any information about it?  CAS9180E   -  CPU  09727F   Requires  a  LMP  key to run Prod (4C)


Release : 1.0

Component : CA Gen Run Time, Distributed, CA Gen Host Construction, z/OS


The TP Monitor is set to IMS as the target application platform.


Change the TP monitor on the "Specify Target Environment and Parameters" panel from option 5 in Host Construction (Specify target environment and construction libraries).  This panel is generally referred to as the Business System parameter panel.  Verify the TP Monitor is set to either CICS or IEFAE oppose to IMS.