CA Gen 8.6 CSE model conversion "MDLADPT: TI Supplied GENCLASS could not be found in table"
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CA Gen 8.6 CSE model conversion "MDLADPT: TI Supplied GENCLASS could not be found in table"


Article ID: 142159


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset


This message appears when converting some models from CA Gen 7.6 to CA Gen 8.6 in a Gen 8.6 SQL Server CSE.
"MDLADPT: TI Supplied GENCLASS  could not be found in table"
Please clarify its meaning and importance and if we need to take any corrective action.


Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen Client Server Encyclopedia


The message can be seen on a model conversion or upload and the root cause is that at least one system defined GENCLASS object (type 182) is missing its TINAME property. The double blank in the message between "GENCLASS" and "could" is due to the missing name.
Each GENCLASS object is a Subset scoping object "SYSTEM DEF OBJ CLASS" (System defined object class):
CA Gen 8.6 > Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia > Client Server Encyclopedia Subsetting > System Defined Object Class

There are 29 different system defined GENCLASS objects in each model each with their own object name and property name.
The number of times the message "MDLADPT: TI Supplied GENCLASS  could not be found in table" is reported will indicate how many properties are impacted.
GENCLASS objects can also be user defined objects but the check which generates the message is only performed on the system defined GENCLASS objects.


A missing TINAME property on a system defined GENCLASS object would only cause a problem if matrices are being migrated, so if that is not being done then the messages can be ignored.
If matrices are being migrated or it is desirable to cleanup the messages then SQL can be used per the steps below:

1. This SELECT SQL can be run for each affected model to return both the GENCLASS object name and TINAME property value:
select dobj.obj_name, dname.name08_prop_1 from dobj inner join dname on dobj.obj_id=dname.name_obj_id where obj_type_code=182 and obj_model_id= (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME')
Running the same SQL on a model which is not affected can be used to compare results.

2. NOTE: Please follow the usual model/CSE database backup procedures before applying any UPDATE SQL
If the above SELECT SQL returns a blank value of dname.name08_prop_1 for at least 1 row, then the following UPDATE SQL can be run to reset all 29 rows to the correct values (the SQL will of course replace any existing non-blank property values with their same values):
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'ACTCLUST' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'ACTIVITY_CLUSTER');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'ACBLKBAA' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'BAA_ACTION_BLOCK');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'ACBLKBSD' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'BSD_ACTION_BLOCK');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'BUSAR' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'BUSINESS_AREA');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'GOAL' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'BUSINESS_GOAL');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'OBJECTIV' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'BUSINESS_OBJECTIVE');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'BUSSYS' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'BUSINESS_SYSTEM');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'FACILITY' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'COMPUTING/COMMUNICATION_FACILITY');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'CSF' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'CRITICAL_SUCCESS_FACTOR');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'CURBUSYS' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'CURRENT_BUSINESS_SYSTEM');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'CURDATA' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'CURRENT_DATA_BASE_OR_STORE');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'CSTEDIT' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'CUSTOM_EDIT_PATTERNS');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'DATCLUST' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'DATA_CLUSTER_(NAT_DATA_STORE)');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'DATBAS2' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'DATABASE_DATA_STRUCTURE');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'EVENT' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'EVENT');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'EXSTATE' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'EXIT_STATE');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'EXTOBJ' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'FNCDF' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'FUNCTION_DEFINITION');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'HLENT' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'HIGHEST_LVL_ANALYSIS_ENTITY_TYPE');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'ENVRNMNT' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'HW/SW_ENVIRONMENT');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'GENERIC' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'INFO._NEED_CATEGORY');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'INFONEED' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'INFORMATION_NEED');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'LOCATION' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'LOCATION_OF_BUSINESS_ASSETS');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'ORGUNIT' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'PERMEAS' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'PERFORMANCE_MEASURE');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'PRCDF' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'PROCESS_DEFINITION');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'STRATEGY' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'STRATEGY');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'SUBJ' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'SUBJECT_AREA');
update dname set name08_prop_1 = 'TACTIC' where name_obj_id in (select obj_id from dobj where obj_model_id in (select model_id from dmdl where model_name='MODEL_NAME') and obj_type_code = 182 and obj_name = 'TACTIC');