Invisible sessions on main TPX menu become visible after return from tiered menu
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Invisible sessions on main TPX menu become visible after return from tiered menu


Article ID: 20790


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS




  • TPXADMIN and TPXOPER sessions on the main TPX menu are defined as invisible.

  • TSO is a tiered menu selection containing multiple TSO sessions.

  • RETURN session has PF3 defined.

  • User signs on, TPXADMIN and TPXOPER are not listed on the main TPX menu.

  • User selects TSO submenu.

  • PF3 return to main TPX menu

==> TPXADMIN and TPXOPER are now visible on the main TPX menu.


The implementation of Tiered menus uses some of the same logic as invisible sessions, so using the Invisible session parameter outside of tiers becomes more complicated.

The workaround for this is to define a unique Member Key (one that is not part of your tiered menu structure) in the profile definition of this invisible session. (In the Summary example, this would be TPXADMIN and TPXOPER.)


Release: NVINAM00200-5.3-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package