What are the considerations for running TPX without shutdown for extended periods of time?
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What are the considerations for running TPX without shutdown for extended periods of time?


Article ID: 22078


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


 Customers may have TPX up continuously for months without a shutdown. This document outlines Broadcom's recommendations when planning for this.



Release:  5.4 

TPX for z/OS



  1. Are you on a current release of TPX? The current supported release of TPX is 5.4.  Additional details can be found here, scroll down on the page: TPX - Session Management.

  2. Stay current on all maintenance.

  3. Use REGION=0M.

  4. Set up TPX as a generic resource with multiple TPX started tasks. This will provide failover coverage. Here are a few published Knowledge Documents (KDs) on TPX as a generic resource:

    Setting up TPX in a SYSPLEX as a Generic Resource
    What does one have to be aware of when implementing Coupling Facility while setting up TPX as a Generic Resource?
    With TPX defined as a generic resource, what will a failure (or shutdown) of one TPX look like to the user?
  5. Will you be adding any new users, applications, etc. during this time period? Ensure VSAM files and storage allocations are sufficiently large enough to handle any potential changes.

  6.  Verify that slot pool sizes match the TPX default values. You can see the default values by creating a new SMRT and use that for comparison with the active SMRT.

    • See: TPX Slot Pool Usage Information
    • Slot pool size must match default for the most efficient use of storage.

    • Slot percentages can vary depending upon site requirements.

  7. Analyze current storage usage (D STOR & D STORXA). Do any of the slots have high use or max use? Adjust to allow sufficient storage without overflows.

    NOTE: Changes to slot pool % requires that you cycle TPX in order for the changes to take effect.

  8. If the TPX LOG is becoming too large, you can use the TPXOPER SPIN Command:

    The SPIN command accesses the message log without stopping or restarting CA TPX. The SPIN command releases the current message log data set for printing and allocates a new message log data set in its place.

  9. When you have an opportunity to stop TPX, do regular VSAM maintenance on the TPX VSAM files (reorg) and run RESET INTEGRITY. You may want to consider adding RESET INTEGRITY as the first step in TPX PROC.

        See KD:   What does the TPX RESET INTEGRITY batch job BATCHINI provide and when should it be run ?