Risk Categories Lookup - manage the list of values
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Risk Categories Lookup - manage the list of values


Article ID: 27037


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


How do you manage the list of values for the Risk Categories Lookup (RIM_CATEGORY_TYPE)?

The current system-defined list of values (LOVs) for the Risk categories are suggested values that do not meet the needs of how you currently calculate and manage risks internally. This list should be editable to make the application more configurable to a particular industry.


User-defined attributes can be created and added to the Risk-Weighted Average Formula. The Lookup values for the "Category Type" (ID=RIM_CATEGORY_TYPE) are be managed through the application in a different manner than simply adding the lookup values through Administration, Data Administration: Lookups. User-defined attributes can be created and added to the Risk-Weighted Average Formula.


The following steps describe how to implement user-defined attributes into the Risk-Weighted Average Formula:

  1. Go to Administration, Studio: Objects, Project Object, Attributes
  2. Create a new number attribute
    • EXAMPLE: "My Risk Factor" (id = my_risk_factor)
    • Click the 'Add' button
    • Select the type of attribute = 'Number'
    • Complete all required fields
    • Click on the "Save" button
  3. Add this new attribute to the Risk Score Attribute (found in the Project Object Attribute listing)
    • Click on 'Risk' attribute (Database Column name = risk)
    • On the Risk Properties page, click [Build Weighted Average Formula] link
    • Add the new, user-defined attribute (my_risk_factor) to the weighted average formula
    • Remove other attributes, as desired. You may remove the system-defined values from the weighted average formula if you do not want them.
    • Click the 'Save' or 'Submit' button
  4. Check the Risk Category Type lookup list of values
    • Administration, Data Administration: Lookups, search for ID = RIM_CATEGORY_TYPE, open the lookup and navigate to the Values tab
    • Expected Result: You will now see your newly added, user-defined Risk Score attribute named 'My Risk Factor' as a value on this lookup.
  5. Be sure to place this new attribute (my_risk_factor) on a subpage within the Project Object so that users can enter a value in the field for the Risk Score calculation. 
    • You can also remove any of the system-defined attributes for the Risk Score if you do not need to use them.
    • To update views, navigate to Administration, Studio: Objects, Project Object, Views tab
  6. Publish the modified Project Views if modifications are made to list views, filter views, or Options.  Publish action is not needed for modifications to property pages.

Additional Information

How are Risk Scores Calculated and What determines the Color of the Risk Score?

Why are some Contributing Factor Risk fields read-only?