I'm trying to get PAM to talk to an oracle database using the thin driver. How can I accomplish this?
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I'm trying to get PAM to talk to an oracle database using the thin driver. How can I accomplish this?


Article ID: 36837


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CA Process Automation Base


Process Automation is unable to query database through the JDBC Operator.   A JDBC error is returned, such as this error from Oracle:"Could not load database driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"


Release: ITPASA99000-4.3-Process Automation-Add On License for-CA Server Automation


This is due to the JDBC driver not being loaded into Process Automation as an available resource.



To be able to use a JDBC driver with the JDBC operators, that JDBC driver needs to be deployed as a Resource. This can be done during the installation, or can through the interface after the installation is complete.

To deploy a JDBC resource for the Orchestrator:

  1. Click the Configuration tab. 
  2. Click the Manage User Resources palette and expand the Repository folder. 
  3. Select the Orchestrator Resources folder.  
  4. Click New.
    The Add New Resource: "Untitled" pane opens. 
  5. Provide upload details in the following fields as appropriate:
    1. Enter the name of the resource in the Resource Name field.
      The following example is a reasonable way to specify the resource name if you are uploading a JDBC driver:

      database_name Driver
      • database_name
        Defines the name of the RDBMS. For example, Oracle Driver, MySQL Driver, or Sybase Driver.
    2. Click Browse, navigate to the location where you saved the JAR file, and select the target file. This populates the Resource File field. 
    3. Select a user-specified module name from the Module Name drop-down list.
    4. (Optional) Enter a description of the resource in the Resource Description field. 
  6. Verify your entry, and then click Save.

    A line that contains your entry displays.

    CA Process Automation copies the uploaded resource to the following paths:

    • install_dir
      Defines the directory on the server where the Domain Orchestrator was installed. 
  7. Restart the Domain Orchestrator

When the Domain Orchestrator restarts, the system deploys all jars that you uploaded to the Domain Orchestrator Resources. That is, CA Process Automation puts the jars in the classpath of the Domain Orchestrator.

8.  After mirroring occurs, restart all other Orchestrators.

The system deploys all uploaded jars to all Orchestrators. That is, the system puts the jars in the classpaths of the Orchestrators.