SOI Alerts are published with Alert Title "Error formatting event <event type>java.lang.NullPointerException" and Summary "Error getting probable cause text for &lt;event type&gt;"
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SOI Alerts are published with Alert Title "Error formatting event <event type>java.lang.NullPointerException" and Summary "Error getting probable cause text for &lt;event type&gt;"


Article ID: 48299


Updated On:


CA Spectrum



With Spectrum IM Connector and Spectrum 9.3 one may see Alerts on SOI console which has the message "Error getting probable cause text for <event type> in the Alert Summary. This is seen for environments with Language Settings other then english (United States).


Actually there is an issue with Spectrum 9.3 where if client has other that en_US and requesting for pcause through URL, it is not returning results.

In case of the Connector the language settings will be taken from OS settings or by default Java is setting to US or none.

The following configuration in the SAM-IntegrationServices.conf resolves this problem.

The Windows - Control Panel - Regional and Language Settings - Administrative - System Local must be English (United States)

Open SOI/jsw/conf/ SAM-IntegrationServices.conf

Go to additional section (search for word '')
Add a new line

*'n' is important here and depends on existing sequence.

Save the configuration and restart SAM integration service

To verify the modification is successful, you can run ProcessExplorer and right click to the java.exe process of the Spectrum IM Connector and select properties.

The LANG value in this ProcessExplorer Properties must show as en_US.UTF-8


Release: SPDBIP99000-9.3-Spectrum-Device Based Suite-IP Services Manager


Actually there is an issue with Spectrum 9.3 where if client has other that en_US and requesting for pcause through URL, it is not returning results.

In case of the Connector the language settings will be taken from OS settings or by default Java is setting to US or none.


The following configuration in the SAM-IntegrationServices.conf resolves this problem.

The Windows - Control Panel - Regional and Language Settings - Administrative - System Local must be English (United States)

Open SOI/jsw/conf/ SAM-IntegrationServices.conf

Go to additional section (search for word '')
Add a new line

*'n' is important here and depends on existing sequence.

Save the configuration and restart SAM integration service

To verify the modification is successful, you can run ProcessExplorer and right click to the java.exe process of the Spectrum IM Connector and select properties.

The LANG value in this ProcessExplorer Properties must show as en_US.UTF-8