UIM is not able to create ticket in Ca SDM
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UIM is not able to create ticket in Ca SDM


Article ID: 71343


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


UIM is not able to create ticket in Ca SDM. We are getting below error message :-
Error : java.net SocketTimeExecuation: Read Time out
The integration from SOAP UI is getting access denied error message. Authentication failed error.



UIM 8.47 or later
CASDM  14.1 (cum3)
Sdgtw 1.40


There is a known limitation with SDM and web services when the same user tries to login numerous times, repeatedly, to SDM via web services. The current login design is that is a login is already in progress for the user that tries to login then a the authentication is retried in "NX_LOGIN_TIME", then in "NX_LOGIN_TIME" if there is another authentication at that time another retry is added. This is a design limitation since ONLY once authentication can happen at one time, and the first one that comes in is the one that is processed and all the rest are retried in NX_LOGIN_TIME.

NX_LOGIN_TIME is set to 60, which is a very high number, - but if it's lowered then the login attempts will time out sooner and if LDAP is slow the authentication will fail.


The current recommendation is to ensure that the web services users are configured to use PIN authentication - wince the PIN authentication is NOT going through bop_auth process which requires the above mentioned limitation.
We currently don't have another recommendation or there is no other option to fix this issue. For SDM to handle this more gracefully it would require a SDM enhancement which would be a complex one

How to Set the PIN Authentication:
# Login to SDM-> Identify the access type to UIMSDM user-> Edit the access type by setting the authentication to PIN.
# You may create a Datapartition by restricting the access to view contact details of UIMSDM. Implement the restriction on all the roles Except Administrator.