NFA Last Flow Not Updating
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NFA Last Flow Not Updating


Article ID: 74974


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


If you are seeing the Last Flow times not updating in Enable Interfaces, you may need to apply one or both of these fixes.


NFA 9.3.8+


Check your <installdir>\reporter\logs\PumpLog20xx-xx-xx.log for either of these 2 possible errors:
  1. 13:30:25 5 - DataConverter: Processing 1498239000-x.x.x.x.flt 
    13:30:25 2 - DataConverter-ReaperDC-line346: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

  2. 13:30:25 5 - DataConverter: Processing 1498239000-x.x.x.x.flt
    13:30:25 5 - DataConverter-ReaperDC-line346: Cannot create interface x.x.x.x::x because it already exists


To resolve the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error:

  1. The FLT file name is being written with the wrong IP Address. Possible causes could be that there is a Backup NIC Address or the IP Address is NAT.
  2. We need to set the FLT files to write with the same IP Address that NFA is set to use.
  3. Run from CMD on the Harvester but replace x.x.x.x with the IP Address that NFA has configured for that Harvester: 

  • Mysql -P3308 -D harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "update parameter_descriptions set defaultValue='x.x.x.x' where parameter='harvesterIPAddress';"

  • Mysql -P3308 -D harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "update routers set PollState='InitialPoll', stateretry=0, reboottime=0 where PollState ='RebootRefresh';"

  1. ​​Restart the CA MySQL Service on that Harvester.

To resolve the "Cannot create interface x.x.x.x::x because it already exists" error:

  1. Download the cumulative patch to the NFA Console Server and NFA Harvester.
  2. Follow the instructions carefully in the readme.