After upgrading Spectrum, getting error cannot log into OneClick
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After upgrading Spectrum, getting error cannot log into OneClick


Article ID: 8221


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After upgrading Spectrum, user is getting error when attempting to log into OneClick: 

SPC-OCC-10257: The user <username> has no privileges in OneClick.
Please have a OneClick Administrator verify the user's privileges in the OneClick User's Tab 


DX NetOps Spectrum 


SPC-OCC-10257: The user <username> has no privileges in OneClick.
Please have a OneClick Administrator verify the user's privileges in the OneClick User's Tab 

This error is a fairly generic error and there are several reasons for this error to occur.

In this article, we are referencing the instance of this error as it pertains to the Spectrum Install user following an Upgrade of Spectrum to a 10.2.x version. 


After Upgrading Spectrum if you are getting this error while trying to access OneClick with the Spectrum install user, try restarting the Tomcat web server service. We have seen in a few instances where simply restarting Tomcat service will clear this error. 

If a Tomcat restart does not solve the issue, then we would suggest investigating further, and opening a support ticket if necessary. 

For instance, if you are still seeing this error after a Tomcat restart, check the Tomcat Log for any "java.lang.NullPointerException" messages. If you find them, please reference the following KB and try to clear DuplicateLlist(0x11cd5) attribute on the Spectrum User model:  

KB : The Spectrum install owner cannot login to OneClick